Acoustic System Applications

Quieter Rides Start with Sika

With weight reduction a recognized key driver in the automotive design process, engineers are increasingly creative in their efforts to meet lightweight goals. Cutting the weight, however, can create unanticipated noise issues late in development. Sika's lightweight solutions support initiatives to reduce weight with no acoustic performance compromise.

Sika Acoustic Systems are proven and highly effective solutions, which support meeting OEM’s weight and acoustic targets. Sealing vehicle body cavities with SikaBaffle® or SikaSeal® and damping the vibration of body panels with SikaDamp®, Sika Acoustic Systems can help you effectively reduce noise at the source, adding comfort without compromising weight.


Acoustic Test Centers

In the Sika Acoustic Test facilities, Sika Engineers and Application
Experts perform virtual and physical testing, analyze the results, and
propose solutions that deliver optimal weight-to-performance ratio for
each specific application.

Further Reading